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Main » 2014 » February » 15 » Dance Pop:: Army of lovers-Best Of Collection 2014
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Dance Pop:: Army of lovers-Best Of Collection 2014

Dance Pop::

 Army of lovers-Best Of Collection 2014

The original – and the best – line up of Swedish pop group legends "Army of Lovers”, reformed for Melodifestivalen this year and brought us the highly underrated "Rockin the Ride”. It was a teenage dream come true to see  Alexander Bard, La Camilla and Jean-Pierre Barda back together on stage – where they belong.

However following their swift exit from Melodifestivalen, a large and very public argument broke out where La Camilla was ejected from the group AGAIN. The kick-out was followed by a bitter fight between Alexander Bard and Dominika Peczynski against La Camilla. Allegedly the argument was as a result of the out of time lip syncing on Camilla’s part  at Melodifestivalen – but it does look like they all were doing it!

So the band have reformed again with Bard, Peczynski and Barba and they have gone and remixed their classic song "Crucified” and the iconic video – which is sacrilegious in our books.! Peczynski lacks the voice, style and seductiveness of La Camilla, and the remix of the song is now just a hollow shell of its former  glory.

Get La Camilla and the original version of "Crucified” BACK NOW.

How could they do it again?

Author/Website co-founder and Editor in Chief Garrett Mulhall

Source – Facebook, Aftonbladet and Eurovision Ireland

Army of Lovers continue their comeback with a new recording and a new video for their most well known and loved hit from the 90s – ‘Crucified’.

Enlisting the production skills of Niklas Bergwall (the guy behind September and Darin’s Så Mycket Bättre cover versions), ‘Crucified’ 2013 is predictably but pleasingly Clubbified 2013. And the party’s been taken up quite literally by Copenhagen Pride – who have chosen the new version as the official theme song for their 2013 festival.

The video features the trio prancing about in front of footage of the iconic original video. Simultaneously paying their respects and taking the piss. We love that they haven’t changed their behaviour in the slightest in the twenty years since the original.

It’s hard to imagine Army of Lovers gaining a whole new Army of Fans with this in 2013. But it is nice to know that a whole new generation of gay revelers may be introduced to the song – the genuine classic that it is.

Army Of Lovers will release a new compilation CD on March 27th, entitled Big Battle Of Egos. Here is the tracklist:

Rockin’ The Ride
Crashing Down
Signed On My Tattoo
Give My Life
Sexual Revolution
My Army Of Lovers
Lit De Parade (Feat. Big Money)
Ride The Bullet
I Am
King Midas
La Plage De Saint Tropez
Let The Sunshine In

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Category: Pop Other | Views: 1438 | Added by: slipknot1771 | Rating: 0.0/0
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